StratBiz is a young, dynamic company based in Singapore since 2010. We have close partnerships with Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Australia.
We focus on green products that we believe will become relevant for the 21st century customer. Green Tech and Innovation are not just buzz words. They have to be customer-centric and solve problems for the client. As such, we have been introducing to the market products that clean, sanitize or disinfect for industrial use.
Homes are also where we spent most of our time. We have to be surrounded by a clean, nurturing environment in order to be at our best. At Stratbiz, we are very interested in products that enhance our wellbeing.
We are honor to work with a Singapore invention 28Cube – a new type of skincare using only food grade ingredients. No parabens, no chemicals, no preservative, no animals. Doing a full product launch in June 2024.
We hope to introduce more products and bring them not only to Singapore, but to the world.
Stay safe and healthy always!